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Trends in Crop Pesticide Use: Comparing 1992 and 1997 (National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy).
Gianessi L., Silvers, CS (2000).
Most factors that appear to account for major changes in pesticide use patterns can be grouped into nine categories: weather changes, pest population changes, itnroduction of new cost effective pesticides, regulatory changes, economic factors, changes in agronomic practices, introduction of effective non-chemical controls, voluntary changes to minimize environmental/residue concerns and shifts in crops acreage. , Between 1992 and 1997 the amount of pesticide active ingredients used annually in U.S. agriculture increased by a total of 93 million pounds. However, some government policies like the registration of new, more cost effective active ingredients, lower application rates of many new products and the registration of the Bt cotton plants led to a net reduction of pesticed used. Other policies counteracted these reductions, e.g. the Boll Weevil Eradication Program, and programs that encourage farmers to adopt limited tillage methods. The emergence of a new virulent strain of the potato late blight fungus in the 1990's alone led to an annual increase of 37 million pounds of fungicides and desiccants. , Changes in pesticide use are combinations of increases and decreases, some the result of intentional manipulation, some the result of unforeseen circumstances.

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