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Preference for tomatoes, affected by sensory attributes and information about growth conditions. Food quality and preference 10, 289-298
Johansson L., Haglund, A., Berglund, L., Lea, P., Risvik, E. (1999).
The study concerns percieved effects of product attributes and product information on preference for ecologically as compared to conventionally grown tomatoes. A selected, trained panel described 13 tomato varieties to find as broad a basis for sensory variation as possible. Latent structures were extracted as a combination of sensory attributes and product information in a preference test. Two samples of each growing system were selected. A blind preference test was performed and then another with either correct or false information about the growing system. Preference was influenced not only by tomato perception but also product information., Conclusion: The principal component analyses illustrated that the variability of the tomatoes was more influenced by varietal differences than by growing conditions.

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