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Rent creation and distribution from biotechnology innovations: the case of Bt cotton and herbicide-tolernat soybeans in 1997. Agribusiness 16, 21-32
Falck-Zepeda J., Traxler, G, Nelson, RG (2000).
The distribution of welfare from the second-year planting of Bt cotton and preliminary estimates of the planting of herbicide-tolerant soybeans in the United States in 1997 was studied. For Bt cotton, total increase in world surplus was $190.1 million and US farmers' share of total surplus was 42%. The gene developer, Monsanto, received 35%, Delta and Pine Land, the seed distributer, recieved 9% and the US consumer received 7%. The average cost of Bt cotton seed in 1997 was $18.25 per acre, while Bt cotton was sold at $52.25 per acre., For herbicide-tolerant soybeans, US farmers' surplus was 76%, Monsanto's was 7%, US consumers received 4% and seed companies captured 3% of total surplus.

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