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Micronutrient Malnutrition : Policies and Programs for Control and Their Implications. Annual Review of Nutrition 19, 303
Underwood B., Smitasiri, S (1999).
Global progress in social and economic development is occurring, although slowly, in the most needy parts of the nonindustrialized world, where nutritional deficiencies, including micronutrients, remain significant public health problems. Until empowering benefits accrue from development spin-offs, policy guidance for purposeful public health actions can help reduce the unconscionable toll on health and quality of life from micronutrient malnutrition and can interrupt its intergenerational debilitating effects on national development. Narrowly focused control programs including homestead production, plant breeding, fortification, and supplementation are in effect, but in general, they have not been holistically planned and integrated into overall development programs. Such integration is needed to ensure sustainability into the next century. A new paradigm is needed, including a new way of thinking by nutrition scientists and program implementers that includes partnerships with the poor in all aspects of program planning and implementation.

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