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A comparison of organically and conventionally grown foods - results of a review of the relevant literature. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 74, 281-293.
Woese K., Lange, Dirk, Boess, Christian, Boegl, Klaus Werner (1997).
This review is concerned with the summary and evaluation of the results from more than 150 investigations comparing the quality of conventionally and organically produced food or of foods produced with the aid of different fertilization systems. Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, wine, beer, bread, cakes and pastries, milk, meat, eggs and honey, as well as products made from them, have been included in the review. Most of the studies evaluated are physicochemical investigations of concentrations of desirable and undesirable ingredients, pesticide residues, contaminants, sensory analyses and feed experiments with animals. Nutritional studies in humans and experiments which used holistic methods of analysis are also included. Since different methods of sampling were used in the investigations, a summary evaluation of individual results is extremely difficult. Even when the sampling methods are of the same type, a great many factors have to be taken into consideration which are not directly related to the production system but which do influence food quality to a large degree. Despite the heterogeneity of the sample material, some differences in quality between products from conventional and organic farming or foods produced with the aid of different fertilization systems have been identified.
This review is a compilation of more than 150 comparative studies on the quality of conventionally or organically produced foods. Conventionally cultivated nitrophilic leaf, root and tuber vegetables have higher nitrate contents than organically produced vegetables. In respect to pesticide recidues, almost all were below the statutory maximum limits, with organic produce tending to lower residue levels. No major differences with regard to all desirable nutritional values were observed, except for a higher protein content and superior protein quality of convenionally grown wheat, which corresponds with better baking properties. None of the sensory studies could find any differences between organically and conventionally produced food, however, in feed selection experiments, it has been shown that animals prefer organic produce.

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