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Rent creation and distribution from the first three years of planting Bt cotton (ISAAA Briefs).
Falck-Zepeda J.B., Traxler, Greg, Nelson, Robert G. (1999).
Estimations of rent creation and distribution in 1996 indicate that farmers gain between 43% and 59% of all rents created from the introduction and adoption of Bt cotton. In contrast, the innovators (Delta and Pine Land and Monsanto) gain between 47% and 26% of all rents in 1996., Estimations for 1998 indicate that farmers and innovators share almost equally the rents created by adopting Bt cotton. Regionally, there were winners and losers from the adoption of Bt cotton in 1998. Regions with low adoption rates, such as California and Missouri, lost because farmers suffered a price reduction of cotton lint without having the benefits of the technology. , Results for the three-year analysis have been fairly consistent. There is an urgent need to quantify the environmental externalities, as these benefits may be significant and are not currently included in the framework presented here.

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