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Weed management in conservation tillage systems for wheat production in North and South America. Crop Protection 13, 243-259.
Moyer J.R., Roman, E. S., Lindwall, C. W., Blackshaw, R. E. (1994).
Soil erosion by wind or water is a serious problem in North and South America. When no-till or reduced tillage is used to control erosion, the density of certain annual and perennial weeds can increase and new weed control techniques are usually required, The effects of conservation tillage on annual and perennial weeds, weeds that are spread by wind, plants from rangelands and pasture as weeds and volunteer plants as weeds are reviewed. Current weed control methods with minimum tillage, herbicides, cover crops and other cultural practices in conservation tillage systems in North and South America are described. Some producers are successfully controlling weeds in continuous summer cropping systems in North America and in double cropping systems that include wheat in the winter and soybean or corn in the summer in Brazil, Argentina and southeastern United States. Successful conservation tillage systems usually involve cropping sequences of three or more crop types and several herbicides. In these cropping sequences, the ground is covered with a crop during most of the period in which the climate is favorable for weed growth. Perennial weeds are a problem in all tillage systems and there is a general dependence on glyphosate for perennial weed control. In successful conservation tillage systems, the amount and cost of herbicides used is similar to that for herbicides used in conventional tillage systems.

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