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Ecological effects of an insect introduced for the biological control of weeds. Science (Washington D C) 277, 1088-1090.
Louda S.M., Kendall, D., Connor, J., Simberloff, D. (1997).
Few data exist on the environmental risks of biological control. The weevil Rhinocyllus conicus Froeh., introduced to control exotic thistles, has exhibited an increase in host range as well as continuing geographic expansion. Between 1992 and 1996, the frequency of weevil damage to native thistles consistently increased, reaching 16 to 77 percent of flowerheads per plant. Weevils significantly reduced the seed production of native thistle flowerheads. The density of native tephritid flies was significantly lower at high weevil density. Such ecological effects need to be better addressed in future evaluation and regulation of potential biological control agents.
The weevil Rhinocyllus conicus Froeh., introduced to control exotic thistles, has exhibited an increase in host range as well as continuing geographic expansion. Between 1992 and 1996, the frequency of weevil damage to native thistles consistently increased, reducing the seed production of native thistle flower heads. The results reinforce the recommendation that diet specialization is one of the crucial criteria in the selection of a biological control agent. The potential risk to both biodiversity and ecological stability are high when a mistake occurs.

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