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Pathogen-derived resistance provides papaya with effective protection against papaya ringspot virus. Molecular Breeding 3, 161-168.
Lius S., Manshardt, Richard M., Fitch, Maureen M. M., Slightom, Jerry L., Sanford, John C., Gonsalves, Dennis (1997).
Transgenic Carica papaya plants (cv. Sunset, R-0 clone 55-1) carrying the coat protein gene of papaya ringspot virus (strain HA 5-1) remained symptomless and ELISA-negative for 24 months after inoculation with Hawaiian strains of papaya ringspot virus under field conditions. Non-transgenic and transgenic control plants lacking the coat protein gene developed disease symptoms within one month after manual inoculation or within four months when natural aphid populations were the inoculum vectors. Mean trunk diameter was significantly greater in cloned 55-1 plants compared with virus-infected controls (14.7 cm versus 9.3 cm after 18 months). Fruit brix, plant morphology, and fertility of 55-1 plants were all normal, and no pleiotropic effects of the coat protein gene were observed. These results indicate that pathogen-derived resistance can provide effective protection against a viral disease over a significant portion of the crop cycle of a perennial species.

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