> Markergen Aktivität im Querschnitt eines Reisblattes <

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Genetic engineering of rice for resistance to sheath blight. Bio-Technology (New York) 13, 686-691.
Lin W., Anuratha, C. S., Datta, Karabi, Potrykus, Ingo, Muthukrishnan, S., Datta, Swapan K. (1995).
A 1.1 kb rice genomic DNA fragment, containing a chitinase gene under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was cloned into the rice transformation vector pGL2. After transformation of Indica rice protoplasts in the presence of polyethyleneglycol, plants were regenerated. The presence of the chimeric chitinase gene in T0 and T1 transgenic rice plants was detected by Southern blot analysis. Western blot analysis of transgenic plants and their progeny revealed the presence of two proteins with apparent molecular weights of 30 and 35 kDa that reacted with the chitinase antibody. Progeny from the chitinase-positive plants were tested for their resistance to the sheath blight pathogen, Rhizoctonia solani. The degree of resistance displayed by the transgenic plants to this pathogen correlated with the level of chitinase expression.

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