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Characterisation of the Roundup Ready Soybean Insert. European Food Research and Technology 213, 107-112
Windels P., Taverniers, I., Depicker, A., Van Bockstaele, E., De Loose, M. (2001).
In this article we describe the isolationand characterisation of the junction between insert DNA and plant DNA in the transgenic Roundup Ready soybean line event 40-3-2. Our results establish that during integration of the insert DNA several rearrangements occurred at the 3' NOS junction and that the genomic plant DNA at the pre-integration site may have been rearranged. These findings highlight the utility of characterising junction regions to fulfil the request for information regarding which DNA sequences have been incorporated in commercialised transgenic lines. Furthermore, the characterisation of junction regions is, in our opinion, the method of choice to support method development for detection and identification of plant biotechnology-deriived products.

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