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Commercialization of a tomato with an antisense polygalacturonase gene - the flavr savr(TM) story. Euphytica 9, 293-297
Kramer M., Redenbaugh, K. (1994).
The Flavr Savr (TM) tomato was developed through the use of antisense RNA to regulate the expression of the enzyme polygalacturonase (PG), the enzyme that has been thought to be responsible for softening in ripe tomatoes, in ripening tomato fruit. It is the first genetically engineered whole food to be sold, following FDA approval on May 18, 1994. Extensive field testing as well as environmental and food safety assessments had determined that Flavr Savr (TM) tomatoes are unchanged in terms of nutrition, potential toxins and horticulture traits and that no unintended technical effects were observed. Initial consumer acceptance was overwhelming positive.

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