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Resistance to viruses and viroids in transgenic plants and animals expressing dsRNA-binding protein. Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patents 1228, No pagination
Roth D.A., Langland, Jeffrey Olaf (1999).
The invention provides a method for imparting resistance in animals to viruses, and in plants to viruses and viroids, that express double-stranded RNA-like structures (dsRNAs). This method enables the binding of pathogenic dsRNAs during the infection process by expression of dsRNA-binding protein in transgenic animal and plant hosts, thus interrupting the infection cycle and inhibiting disease. The presence of a dsRNA-binding protein in a transgenic host renders the transgenic host resistant to the phenotypic symptoms of viral infection and/or decreased pathogen replication. Accordingly, the present invention provides a genetically engineered animal and plant, stably transformed to express a dsRNA-binding protein, such that the transgenic host displays resistance to virus and/or viroid challenge.

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