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Pollen flow between herbicide-resistant Brassica napus is the cause of multiple-resistant B-napus volunteers. Weed Science 48, 688-694
Hall L., Topinka, K, Huffman, J, Davis, L, Good, A (2000).
A field in which canola (Brassica napus) volunteers were not controlled by several applications of glyphosate was investigated. The field had been planted with glufosinate-resistant and imidazolinone-resistant B. napus in 1997 and was adjacent to a field that had grown glyphosate-resistant B.napus. Progeny from 34 volunteer plants were sprayed with glyphosate and the survivors were sprayed with either glufosinate or imazethpyr. In total, 15 volunteers had progeny that were between 66 and 82% resistant to glyphosate. DNA extraction and restriction fragment length polymophism (RFLP) analysis of seedlings confirmed that mature B.napus volunteers were hybrids resulting from pollen transfer rather than inadvertent seed movement between fields. Sequential crossing of three herbicide-resistant varieties is the most likely explanation for the observed multiple herbicide resistance. Integrated management techniques, including suitable crop and herbicide rotations, herbicide mixtures and nonchemical controls should be used to reduce the incidence and negative effect of B.napus volunteers with multiple herbicide resistance.

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