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Genetic engineering of phenolic metabolism in poplar in relation with resistance against pathogens. Acta Botanica Gallica 143, 539-546.
Nicolescu C., Sandre, Claire, Jouanin, Lise, Chriqui, Dominique (1996).
Flavonoids being involved in various defence mechanisms, attempts to improve resistance against pathogens have been developed in poplar (Populus tremula x P. alba) in order to increase flavonoid content through genetic engineering. The Petunia chs A gene driven by the CaMV 35S promoter with a double enhancer and the gus and npt II marker genes were constructed and used in cocultivation with excised poplar internodes. Several transgenic lines were created and analysed by northern blotting. Their developmental patterns were examined and flavonoids were localized in situ using various reagents. Only one transgenic line provided with a strong chs overexpression was characterized by flavonoids located in both cortical and peripheral tissues of the stem. Differences between controls and the other transgenic lines were quantitative and flavonoids were mainly found in superficial tissues (epidermis, subepidermis and suber) as if only these tissues were provided with adequate enzymes or substrates for the full biosynthetic pathway leading to flavonoids.

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