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Variation in outcrossing rate and genetic structure on six cultivars of Vicia faba L. as affected by geographic location and year. Plant Breeding 118, 347-350.
Suso M.J., Moreno, M. T. (1999).
The present study was conducted to evaluate the importance of two environmental factors, year and geographic location, on the cultivar outcrossing rate and genetic structure of Vicia faba L. under natural field conditions. Outcrossing rates were estimated for six cultivars using isozyme markers, the mixed mating model and the multilocus method. The genetic structure was described by Wright's fixation index and the inbreeding equilibrium coefficient. Faba bean outcrossing rate, as measured by multilocus estimates was relatively invariable among cultivars within locations. Our results suggest substantial variation in outcrossing rate associated with geographic location (Mediterranean subtropical and temperate climates enhancing the cross-pollination). Year variation was far less important than geographic variation.

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